Sendero Homologado/ Approved Trail
¿Qué es un sendero homologado?
El sendero homologado está identificado por las marcas registradas de:
GR®: Gran Recorrido
PR® :Pequeño Recorrido
SL®: Sendero Local
Los senderos se desarrollan preferentemente en el medio natural y sobre viales tradicionales. En los mismos encontramos las señales que nos indican el tipo de recorrido (según el color de la señal) y la dirección del mismo.
Están homologados por la federación autonómica y/o territorial correspondiente.
En este blog hablaremos de senderos homologados y no homologados.
Más información:
What is an approved trail?
The approved trail is identified by the registered trademarks of:
GR: Great Route, which takes more than a day to cover.
PR or Small Route: indicating a short route less than 50 Km long that can be covered in a day.
SL or local trail: less than 10 Km long, which links longer trails or takes in short local loops.
The trails are developed preferably in the natural environment and on traditional roads. In them we find the signs that indicate the type of route (according to the color of the sign) and its direction.
They are approved by the corresponding regional and/or territorial federation.
In this blog we will talk about approved and non-approved trails.